What is Transfer Posting?
When there is a change is stock category or stock number of a material then that change is called as transfer posting.
Example of transfer posting : Unrestricted Stock to Quality Inspection Stock, Material to material.
Transfer posting may or may not involve a physical goods movement.
What is Stock Transfer?
When there is a movement of stock like plant to plant, company code to company code then that movement of stock is called as Stock transfer.
Example of Stock Transfer: Storage location to storage location stock transfer, Plant to plant stock transfer, Company code to company code stock transfer, warehouse to warehouse stock transfer.
Difference between transfer posting and stock transfer:-
The main difference between transfer posting and stock transfer is for stock transfer there is always a goods movement.
Transfer Posting:
• Stock to stock
Depending on the usability of a Stock there is three types of stock
1. Unrestricted –use
2. Quality Inspection
3. Blocked
When we need to change the stock type of a material we do the transfer posting. For example at the time of goods receipt the goods may go for a quality inspection. For that period the stock type of that much of material is Quality Inspection. After the quality inspection depending on the quality we post the material to unrestricted stock or blocked stock.
• Material to material
In industries like chemical and pharmaceutical it is often needed that we need to transfer the material no. to another because of some changes of the original material master records.
During material to material transfer posting we need to keep some basic things in mind.
1. Basic unit of measure: For both the material the BOM should be same otherwise system does not allow the transfer posting.
2. The transfer posting in done in one step.
3. For posting both the issuing and receiving material must be in unrestricted use.
Business example of transfer posting and solution:-
Example 1: In Plant 0001, storage location 0001 there are Material XYZ in quality inspection stock .The inspection is done and now the business need the stock as unrestricted use stock.
Prerequisite – You must have enough stock of material XYZ in your storage location as Quality Inspection stock.
1. Type MIGO in the command field and press enter.
2. In the first dropdown choose transfer posting.
3. In the second dropdown choose other and press enter.
4. Check the movement type at the right corner .If it is not 321 make it 321 as 321 movement type is used to transfer stock form block to unrestricted.
5. In the transfer tab under Dest in material field give material no XYZ, in Plant field give plant 0001, in storage location field give 0001 and press enter.
6. Select the quantity tab by clicking on quantity.
7. In Qty in unit of entry field give the quantity
8. Check the Item Ok check box
9. Now press F7 or click on Check Box in the upper left of the screen .If the document is ok you will get a message in the bottom part of the screen like “Document is O.K”
10. Click on Post button right beside the check button.
Now to check your stock
1. Type MMBE in the command field and press enter.
2. Give XYZ in material field, 0001 in plant filed and 0001 in Storage Location field.
3. Press F8.
Exercise of transfer posting:
1. In one of your material some defects have been found. Transfer some of the material to Quality Inspection stock.
2. You have two materials with same unit of measure. One is a good quality material (material A) and another is a poor quality material (material B).After some time 10 of good quality materials become poor due to some defects . Now you have to transfer those 10 good quality materials to poor quality material.
(Hint: Create two material, use movement type 309)
Stock Transfer
In stock Transfer we transfer some material from one organizational level to another .So for that we have two procedures.
• Two step procedure: Here we issue the goods from one organizational level in 1st step and in 2nd step we receive the goods in another organizational level.
• One step procedure: Here issue and receipt is done at once.
Storage location to storage location – one step
Few facts about storage location to storage location stock transfer
1. It is done within the same plant.
2. One material document is generated.
3. Generally no accounting document is generated. Accounting document is only generated if the material is split valuated and valuation type changes in the process of stock transfer.
Storage location to storage location –Two step
1. Goods are first issued in the issuing plant.
2. As soon as goods issue is done from issuing storage location instead of going to unrestricted stock of receiving storage location it goes to Stock in transfer.
3. In the second step goods receipt is done in the receiving storage location to transfer the stock from stock in transfer to unrestricted use.
Plant to plant stock transfer
1. Material Document is created during plant to plant transfer.
2. Accounting document is only created if the plants are assigned to different valuation areas.
3. If the plants belongs to different company codes then two accounting document is generated.
Plant to Plant stock transfer: One step procedure
Only one material document is generated.
Plant to Plant stock transfer: Two step procedure
1. Two material documents are generated.
2. Material is issued from one plant to another plant. After issuing the material it comes to the receiving plant as stock in transit material.
3. After issuing the material goods receipt is done and the material in stock in transit becomes unrestricted stock in receiving plant.
Business example of transfer posting and solution:-
Example 1: In your plant 1000 material XYZ exists in both 0001 and 0002 storage location. In storage location 0001, 100 quantity of material XYZ exists. Business needs to transfer 10 of those 100 materials from storage location 0001 to 0002.
Solution: one step procedure
1. Type MB1B in the command field and press enter.
2. Fill the fields as Movement Type : 311 , Plant 1000 , Storage Location : 0001
3. Press enter
4. In Recv. SLoc field enter 0002
5. In the 1st line item in material field give material no XYZ , in quantity field give 10 , enter basic unit of measure in BUN field and press enter .
6. Save the document. Note down the generated Material document no.
1. Check the Material document using TCODE MB03
2. Check the stock using TCODE MMBE .
Exercise of Stock Transfer:
Exercise 1: In your Company code 1000 material XYZ exists in both 0001 and 0002 plants. In plant 0001, 100 quantity of material XYZ exists. Business needs to transfer 10 of those 100 materials from plant 0001 to 0002.
(Hint : For one step use movement type 301 , for two step procedure 1st issue the goods from issuing plant using Movement type 303 and then receive the goods in receiving plant using movement type 305 )
Stock Transfer
In stock Transfer we transfer some material from one organizational level to another .So for that we have two procedures.
• Two step procedure: Here we issue the goods from one organizational level in 1st step and in 2nd step we receive the goods in another organizational level.
• One step procedure: Here issue and receipt is done at once.
Storage location to storage location – one step
Few facts about storage location to storage location stock transfer
1. It is done within the same plant.
2. One material document is generated.
3. Generally no accounting document is generated. Accounting document is only generated if the material is split valuated and valuation type changes in the process of stock transfer.
1. Goods are first issued in the issuing plant.
2. As soon as goods issue is done from issuing storage location instead of going to unrestricted stock of receiving storage location it goes to Stock in transfer.
3. In the second step goods receipt is done in the receiving storage location to transfer the stock from stock in transfer to unrestricted use.
1. Material Document is created during plant to plant transfer.
2. Accounting document is only created if the plants are assigned to different valuation areas.
3. If the plants belongs to different company codes then two accounting document is generated.
Plant to Plant stock transfer: One step procedure
Only one material document is generated.
1. Two material documents are generated.
2. Material is issued from one plant to another plant. After issuing the material it comes to the receiving plant as stock in transit material.
3. After issuing the material goods receipt is done and the material in stock in transit becomes unrestricted stock in receiving plant.
Example 1: In your plant 1000 material XYZ exists in both 0001 and 0002 storage location. In storage location 0001, 100 quantity of material XYZ exists. Business needs to transfer 10 of those 100 materials from storage location 0001 to 0002.
Solution: one step procedure
1. Type MB1B in the command field and press enter.
2. Fill the fields as Movement Type : 311 , Plant 1000 , Storage Location : 0001
3. Press enter
4. In Recv. SLoc field enter 0002
5. In the 1st line item in material field give material no XYZ , in quantity field give 10 , enter basic unit of measure in BUN field and press enter .
6. Save the document. Note down the generated Material document no.
1. Check the Material document using TCODE MB03
2. Check the stock using TCODE MMBE .
Exercise of Stock Transfer:
Exercise 1: In your Company code 1000 material XYZ exists in both 0001 and 0002 plants. In plant 0001, 100 quantity of material XYZ exists. Business needs to transfer 10 of those 100 materials from plant 0001 to 0002.
(Hint : For one step use movement type 301 , for two step procedure 1st issue the goods from issuing plant using Movement type 303 and then receive the goods in receiving plant using movement type 305 )